Explain why weave design with more than 10 picks repeat is not possible to be woven by a tappet loom ?DUET-2014

## Explain why weave design with more than 10 picks repeat is not possible to be woven by a tappet loom ?DUET-2014

Ans :
all aspects apparel
  • Suppose, we need to make a sateen weave which will require 12 tappets. So counter rotate once in every 12 picks occupies one-twelve of a revolution. i.e 30 degree the dwell period is 1/3 of pick. i.e 10 degree .The shaft will rise while the tappet turns 20 degree, will dwell during next 10 degree and will fall the next 20 degree.
  • For this purpose, are should use larger tappet.
  • For most looms, the lift required at the heald shaft will be between 12.5 cm to 20 cm.
  • To use the tappet contains 10 picks, the outer diameter of the would be larger than 30 cm which is probably too large to accommodate inside the loom from.So more than 10 picks repeat is not possible by a tappet loom.


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