Determination of yarn twist through electric twist tester (Direct Counting Method).

Name of the Experiment:
Determination of yarn twist through electric twist tester (Direct Counting Method).

Introduction: Twist: Twist is the spiral arrangement of the fibers around the axis of the yarn. The twist binds the fibers together and also contributes to the strength of the yarn. The amount of twist inserted in a yarn defines the appearance and the strength of the yarn. The number of twists is referred to as turns per inch.
Types of twist:
1. S - Twist
2. Z – Twist
Twist Measurement in Yarn: The most obvious way to measure the number of twists per unit length of yarn is simply to untwist a known length of the yarn and check visually to see whether the twist has been completely removed. Method of twist Measurements: 1. Straightened fiber technique or the direct count method. 2. Twist contraction technique or the untwist and re-twist method. 3. Twist to break technique. 4. Microscopic

1. To know how to determine the yarn twist.
2. To know about electric twist tester.
3. To know about working procedure of electric twist tester.

1. Yarn package
2. Yarn Guide
3. Yarn twist tester
4. Rotating jaw
5. Fixed jaw
6. Tensioner
7. Counter display-handle

Working Procedure:
1. At first we have to draw the yarn through the yarn tensioner to yarn Guide.
2. The tensioner is set according to the types of yarn for double tensioner is always 15 mg and for single yarn tension = tex/2
3. The yarn is then set with the fixed jaw and then we have to untwist the yarn with the help of handle.
4. The single yarn untwist re twist meters is used and number of turns per-inch is determined tram control reading. There is no need of re twist for double yarn. The number of turns per unit length is then calculating by multiplying the counters reading.

1. Estimate the right twist number.
2. Assumption of a yarn count.
3. Use a small needle.
4. Determine the right twist direction.
5. Use aright weight to pull the yarn.

This experiment was very carefully to set the yarn in electronic twist tester. Sensitively checked the untwisting yarn by needle. Set the tensioner weight very carefully. Adjustment switch control should take care.


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